Cyber-crimes are becoming an increasingly common threat to businesses and individuals throughout the world. Our experienced cyber investigation specialists are unmatched in tracking down hackers, product counterfeiters and cyber criminals for a wide range of corporations, celebrities, law firms and individuals. To Date, our Cyber Investigators have successfully worked over 1000 cyber investigations making our team one of the most experienced in the United States.
At SRA, our Orlando cyber investigation specialists have the specialized equipment, experience and software to determine if there is any hacking or unauthorized cyber intrusion on:
Our firm uses proprietary software and resources to positively identify cyber criminals so that the Anonymous person(s) responsible for these crimes can be brought to justice.
Types of cyber crimes we’ve identified thousands of cyber criminals in:
While it is true that Cyber security is one of the fastest growing concerns in the field of cyber investigation, it is also true that if some one wants to get into a certain infrastructure or system, they will find a way in… by hook or by crook! Cyber security protects information systems and digitally stored intellectual property from theft or damage. But what happens when there is a breach? Our cyber investigation specialists can respond to an incident and help sort out what hapened and use our Orlando cyber Investigation techniques to help hunt down those responsible for the cyber attack in the first place. Our cyber investigation specialists can also analyze your current vulnerability cyber threats and provide an efficient solution to limit your exposure to cyber threats such as hacking in the future. This helps you to reduce liability in the event of a breach in showing that not only did you hire a cyber investigation team to respond and target the criminals, but received a customized security plan to help prevent repeats of these types of cyber attacks.
While cyber forensics allows our cyber investigators to uncover and interpret data from the internet, Digital Forensics allow our Certified Digital Forensic Examiners to extract data that was previously unavailable from the devices themselves. Though the use of Digital forensics, it possible to uncover hidden evidence or activity that would otherwise be impossible to obtain like hidden web activity, documents, deleted emails, texts images, photos etc. A general rule of thumb is that is something was done on a device, then that activity can be re-traced and in some cases re created through digital forensics. The Certified Digital Forensic Examiners (CDFE) on our cyber investigations team uses digital forensics in a variety of applications including:
Our Cyber Investigators receive requests to investigate hundreds of hacking allegations every single year. The main thing to understand about hacking forensics is that Every hacker has to connect through the internet. Because of our tools we can capture and detect all internet traffic with no possibility of hiding it and discern whether or not it is malicious. This will determine 100% if your computer, phone, email and/or network are actively hacked.
If the evidence produces a suspect, then you have the option to have us attempt to tie the crimes to the suspect(s) through cyber investigations and forensic methods. We will provide a full evidentiary report, original technical data and affidavit certifying our findings that you can bring either to law enforcement or to your attorney.
Call SRA for a free consultation or to discuss the potential need for a cyber investigation. Our Orlando cyber investigators have extensive experience in cyber investigations and digital forensics and will work with you or your attorney to devise the best strategy for success. To set up a secure, free and confidential consultation with a licensed Private Investigator in Orlando, call 844-307-7771 or you can e-mail us at investigations@recoveryandforensic.online.
Southern Recon Agency is a licensed Private Investigation Agency based and serving all of Florida, License # A-1400197
For a free consultation with a Licensed Private Investigator or to get started right away call us at 844-307-7771 or 407-502-5225 or email us at Investigations@recoveryandforensic.online.